Monday, February 13, 2012

Animal Character Sketch 2

He is a giant black and white arctic fuzzball and he is just staring at me. I think he is expecting me to know what he wants. I could call out any one of the fifteen words in his little brain that he understands and he would react the same way, so I'm taking him outside anyways. Of course, he is not doing what he should be doing and he is just running in circles like a maniac chasing an imaginary bunny or his own shadow. Who knows? I give it another fifteen seconds before he wraps himself around the tree. I was close, it only took ten seconds. He thinks the only way to free himself is to eat through the tree and then sit and wait for an adult. As I am letting him loose he acts like I just saved his life and freaks out, jumping from all four legs, to his back two, and back to four again. He is running towards the door and he bounds over the steps and begins to continue his running game in the house.Through the dining room, into the living room, over the couch, through the kitchen, and around and around again. Finally, he is sitting down and nearly falling backwards from the momentum. He is staring at me again. After five minutes he is finally bored with me and is now burring his head inside of his giant toy basket. He is pulling out a tire toy that could be the spare on a Honda civic or golf cart at least. He tosses it up in the air and shakes it violently, I think he thinks its alive. After testing that toy out and defeating it, he is back at his toy basket; head buried and tail wagging. This cycle will go on for an unpredictable amount of time.

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