Sunday, March 4, 2012

Analyze- "Cathedral" by Raymond Carver

     The “Cathedral” by Raymond Carver is a very descriptive story about a man awaiting the arrival of his wife's blind friend and the events that take place on the blind mans first night as his guest. His concrete language describes his thoughts on the future arrival of Robert, the blind man, and his reservations with having him come to his home to visit his wife. The protagonist in the story “Cathedral” only went by the name “Bub”. I can only conclude that this was not his real name, but an affectionate nickname given to him by Robert the blind man. As this story began, it became clear that Bub was not thrilled to have another man in his home that had a history with his wife, the history did not matter, but even more intimidated by the thought of a disabled man in his home. Bub was bitter when describing his wife's history and ex husband, but goes on to explain his worries of having a blind man around. Bub describes what the life of a blind man must be like and what it must be like to be married to a blind man. His words were judgmental and had Robert known his initial thoughts, he might have been hurt or offended by Bub's opinions. Bub did not know what to expect, how to act, or what to talk about. At first he does not care the least if he has anything in common with the man or if he is even comfortable as a guest. Bub's stereotypes of blind people proved to be wrong upon meeting Robert and he admired his ability to comprehend his environment. Late into the night of Robert's visit, they have loosened up with some drinks and cannabis (referred to as a “number”) and relax by the television. Bub is watching and Robert is listening as an Englishman narrates stories about cathedrals. Bub asks Robert is he even knows what a cathedral is and attempts to explain its visual properties, but stops when he realized language is not helping a blind man visualize anything at all. Robert suggests Bub draw a picture and he will hold his hand and follow along to visualize what a cathedral is. It is at this time that Bub finally relaxes and feels comfortable with Robert, even closing his own eyes, and they have a moment of bonding.

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